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The use of TomatoCult is subject to acceptance of these Terms and Conditions.

Blog users take note that TomatoCult reserves the right to change the Terms and Conditions or other parts of the blog at any time. The service can also be stopped at the discretion of the managers at any time and without notice except through communication on the Home Page.

1. Contents: The contents of the blog are published in good faith and are believed to be accurate, but this does not guarantee in any way implicitly or explicitly that the information contained herein or to which reference is made are complete and/or accurate and/or suitable for the purpose that they are given by the user. Therefore, the user, by accepting these conditions, claims not to believe TomatoCult responsible for information or advice given.

Any comments, statements and personal opinions from users on any topic are to be charged to the individual user and do not reflect in any way the opinions of TomatoCult .

2. Sources: where were inserted images or quotes inside a post, TomatoCult indicate the original source from which they come. This can be done in various ways, which include to signal a link within the article, or the source is acknowledged at the end of the post .

3. Readers' Comments: Reader comments considered offensive and damaging the image of the article which they relates or of the Blog in general, or considered offensive to other users, will be examined, modified, and eventually erased. These include: spam, text with only advertising purposes, texts containing personal data do not conform to compliance with the Privacy Policy. The application of this policy should include the partial publication or modification by the editorial staff of comments considered useful, but where there are links or entered personal email advertising purposes only.

4. Rights of TomatoCult: all information and any image contained in this website are copyrighted to TomatoCult unless otherwise indicated. It is forbidden to publish and/or reproduction of content in whole or in parts of it in the form of print, photocopy, microfilm, digital or any other form, without the copyright of TomatoCult.

5. Privacy Policy: The information provided by the clients which issue comments in TomatoCult are not in any way or for any reason used by TomatoCult. There is no inclusion in the database, the issue or the transmission of this data to third parties.


Tomatocult.com uses cookies to make its services easy and efficient for users that look at the pages. The users who visit the site, will see minimum quantities of information inserted in the used devices, that are computers or mobile peripheral devices, in small texted files named “cookies” saved in the directories used by web browser of users. There are different types of cookies, some to make more efficient the use of the site, other to enable certain functionalities.
Analyzing them in a detailed way, our cookies allow to:
- store inserted preferences
- avoid reinserting the same information many times during the visit as, for example, username and password

Below  there is a quick explanation of different types of cookies in relation to use purposes.

Technical Cookies
This typology of cookies allows the correct working of some site sections. There are two categories: persistent and session cookies:
- persistent: when the browser is closed they aren’t deleted but they stay until the assigned expiration date
- session: they are deleted everytime that the browser is closed. These cookies, always sent by our domain, are necessary to visualize the site correctly and in relation to offered technical services, so they will be always used and sent, unless users change the settings in their browser( so invalidating the visualization of the site pages).
Tomato.cult use only technical cookies.

Services analytics cookies of third parties
Theese cookies are used with the purpose to collect information about the use of the site by users in anonymity, as: visited pages, geographical origin, age, genre and interests for marketing campaigns. Theese cookies are sent by domains of third parties outiside the site.

Cookies to integrate products and software functions of third parties.
This typology  of cookies integrates functionalities developed by third parties inside site page as the preferences expressed in the social networks to share site contents or to use software services of third parties( like the software to produce maps and further softwares that offer additional services). Theese cookies are sent by third parties that offer their functionalities in the pages of the site.

Profiling cookies
They are the cookies necessary to create users’ profiles to send advertisements in accordance with the preferences showed by users inside the pages of the site.
Tomatocult.com doesn’t use profiling cookies.

Tomatocult.com, according to the current legislation, doesn’t have to ask the consent for technical and analytics cookies, because of they are necessary to supply required services.
For all the others cookies typologies, the consent can be expressed by the user by specific settings of the browser used or  by a modification of settings in the use of third parties services.
Both the above mentioned solutions could stop user from using or visualizing site parts.

The site could contain links to other web sites that have their own privacy statement that can be different from that adopted by Tomatocult.com and so it isn’t responsible for theese sites.
An example is represented by the presence of “social plugins” for Facebook, Twitter, Google+  or others. They are parts of the visited page directly created by above mentioned sites and integrated in the page of the host site. The most common use of social plugins has the purpose to share contents in the social networks. The presence of theese plugins involve cookies transmission from and towards the sites managed by third parties. Another example can be Google Analytics, an analysis service of web traffic supplied by Google, Inc.(“Google”). They are, also in this case, cookies of third parties collected and managed in anonymity to monitor and to improve the services of the host site.
The management of information collected by third parties is disciplined by respective informative notes, to whom please to refer.
To guarantee a bigger transparency and convenience, below there are web addresses of different informative notes and of the methods for cookies management.
- Facebook informative notes: https://www.facebook.com/help/cookies/
- Twitter informative notes: https://support.twitter.com/articles/20170514
- Linkedin informative notes: https://www.linkedin.com/legal/cookie-policy
- Google+ informative notes: https://www.google.it/intl/it/policies/technologies/cookies/
- Google Analytics: http://www.google.it/policies/privacy/partners/