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Spaghetti to the baked tomato Spaghetti to the baked tomato Spaghetti to the baked tomato Spaghetti to the baked tomato Spaghetti to the baked tomato Spaghetti to the baked tomato Spaghetti to the baked tomato Spaghetti to the baked tomato Spaghetti to the baked tomato Spaghetti to the baked tomato

Immagine Ricetta

David Tamburini

Chef La Gazza Ladra
Modica (RG)



  • Spaghetti of bran of hard wheat Soc. Cooperative pastai Gragnanesi
  • 500 gr Pomodoros tomperinos
  • Basil Greek
  • 1 berry vanilla of the Sri Lanka
  • Oil virgin extra Furgentini of Giorgio Avola

Spaghetti to the baked tomato



To beat to raw the tomperinos, to put them in a casserole and ebullition portals.
To slowly filter the all through a cotton cloth. This way doing we will get the water of tomato.
To bring the water of tomato to 80 degrees and to put you in infusion, the leaves of basil and the seeds middle pod of vanilla [...]



To beat to raw the tomperinos, to put them in a casserole and ebullition portals.
To slowly filter the all through a cotton cloth. This way doing we will get the water of tomato.
To bring the water of tomato to 80 degrees and to put you in infusion, the leaves of basil and the seeds middle pod of vanilla.
Departed 30 min, to filter and to hold aside.
Desiccate the private tomperinos of the skin in a drier to 60 degrees for 6 hours.
To heat a fire frying pan I live and to previously toast you the dried tomatoes, when it will have taken a beautiful burnished colour to fall through with the water of tomato.
To cook the spaghetti in salty water for 7 min, to drain and to finish the cooking in frying pan, helping itself with the water of tomato, to whip with virgin extra oil of olive Furgentini of Giorgio Avola and put in disks.





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