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Lasagnetta of fresh pasta with tomato water and raw fish Lasagnetta of fresh pasta with tomato water and raw fish Lasagnetta of fresh pasta with tomato water and raw fish Lasagnetta of fresh pasta with tomato water and raw fish Lasagnetta of fresh pasta with tomato water and raw fish Lasagnetta of fresh pasta with tomato water and raw fish Lasagnetta of fresh pasta with tomato water and raw fish Lasagnetta of fresh pasta with tomato water and raw fish Lasagnetta of fresh pasta with tomato water and raw fish Lasagnetta of fresh pasta with tomato water and raw fish Lasagnetta of fresh pasta with tomato water and raw fish Lasagnetta of fresh pasta with tomato water and raw fish Lasagnetta of fresh pasta with tomato water and raw fish Lasagnetta of fresh pasta with tomato water and raw fish Lasagnetta of fresh pasta with tomato water and raw fish Lasagnetta of fresh pasta with tomato water and raw fish Lasagnetta of fresh pasta with tomato water and raw fish Lasagnetta of fresh pasta with tomato water and raw fish Lasagnetta of fresh pasta with tomato water and raw fish Lasagnetta of fresh pasta with tomato water and raw fish Lasagnetta of fresh pasta with tomato water and raw fish

Immagine Ricetta

Francesco Patti

Chef di Coria




  • 60 gr. Of re-milled durum wheat bran
  • 30 gr. Of type “00” flour
  • 50 gr. Of egg yolk
  • 12 gr. Of water
  • 200gr. Of  Tomperinos tomato
  • 1 fresh onion
  • Oregano
  • Basil
  • Salt
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Red chilli pepper
  • 2 desalted capers
  • 2 destoned green olives
  • 100 gr. Of water
  • 20gr. of burrata
  • 1 fresh onion
  • 50gr. Of alacore
  • 20 gr. Of cuttlefish
  • 2 red prawns from Mazara
  • 20gr. Of grouper
  • Chopped parsley
  • Salt
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Red chilli pepper
  • Lemon juice

Lasagnetta of fresh pasta with tomato water and raw fish



Francesco Patti, chef of Restaurant Coria, prepares for Tomatocult Lasagnetta of fresh pasta with tomato water and raw fish



To unite gradually all ingredients creating a smooth and homogeneous dough. To leave dough stand in the fridge for a couple of hours.
With the help of a rolling in, to roll out sheets of pasta dough of about 2-3 mm of tick.
To cut some squares of about 5 cm in size .
To cook them in boiling salad water for about 2 min.
To leave them to cool in cold water and to dry them in a cotton cloth.

To season the tomato in a bowl with fresh onion , oregano, basil, salt, oil, chilli pepper, capers, green olives and water.
To leave all to stand in the fridge for about 2 hours. With the help of salad pin, to pass the salad and to filter with the help of a strainer.

to season the burrata with fresh onion, oil, salt and chilli pepper.
To slice raw fish in a very thin way and to season it with salt, oil, chilli pepper, parsley and lemon juice.
To pour the tomato juice in a soup plate and to arrange the lasagnetta putting a spoon of burrata followed by a sheet of pasta.
To lay down carefully the raw fish and to season with extra-virgin olive oil.





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