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Immagine Ricetta

Vincenzo Candiano

Chef Locanda Don Serafino
Ragusa Ibla



Foam of celery

  • Clean Coasts of green Celery gr 400
  • Water gr 200
  • Glaze in sheets gr 10
  • Salt
Bloody Mary
  • Juice of tomato Tomperinos gr 150
  • Vodka gr 50
  • Rooms and black pepper a pinch
  • Worchester sauce n. 6 drops
  • Tabasco 5 drops
  • Juice of lemon some drop
Faked tomato
  • Butter of cocoa gr 150
  • Trail of assembled Tomperinos gr 50
  • Mozzarella of bufala gr 35-40
  • Basil fresh minced
  • salt
  • Onion gr 180
  • Celery gr 100
  • Eggplant gr 280
  • Zucchinis gr 120
  • Pepper gr 200
  • Olive n. 5
  • Mint n.10
  • Fresh Vinegar of red wine gr 70
  • Salt
  • Honey gr 80
  • Oil extra virgin of olive
  • Sauce of tomato Tomperinos (already regulated of taste) gr 400
  • Glaze in sheets gr 10
  • Salt and pepper
  • Onion gr 300
  • Honey a teaspoon full
  • Vinegar of white wine gr 50
  • Oil extra virgin of olive water
  • Salt
Other ingredients
  • Robiola of goat
  • Bread to the garlic toasted
  • Leaves of basil
  • Small Capers crescioni
  • French fries

Consistences and tastes of the Tomperinos



Vincenzo Candiano, chef of Locanda Serafino, presents a unique dish consists of foam celery, bloody Mary, faked tomato, caponatina, pudding and cipollata.



Foam of celery
Mix the celery with the water, to heat a part of it and to loosen you inside the glaze, to unite to the composed remainder, to salt and to filter, to pour in the siphon, to insert two positions of gas and to make to rest in the refrigerator for at least 8 hours.

Bloody Mary
Mix the Tomperinos, to add the other ingredients, to again beat, to make to rest a few times in the refrigerator filter. To mix well before serving it.

Faked tomato
Prepare a sauce crush of tomato regulated of salt, therefore to make to dry in the drier until consistence of the double assembled. To mince the mozzarella and to season with salt and basil, with the help of transparent film to form a little ball of mozzarella, to insert a bamboo stick and to make to freeze, therefore to discard and to ice. To melt in water butter of cocoa, to mix with the assembled one and to hold lukewarm, to ice the mozzarella, to attach the already fried stem and to make to curdle.

Cut the vegetables to small cubes, to make to boil the vinegar and the honey together and to put aside.
To brown the onion, to add the other vegetables and mix together for a few minutes, adds little salt and fairies to stew covered for a few minutes, to dissolve with the bittersweet one and you make to slightly cook up to crisp consistence some vegetables, added the leaves of mint and the minced olives, to regulate of taste, to serve cold (better if with preventive rest of 12 hours)

Loosen the glaze in the warm sauce, to pour in a die and to make to curdle for sometime in the refrigerator, therefore to cut the portions and to hold in the refrigerator up to the use.

Cut end the onion and put it in frying pan with the oil, to add little salt and little water, makes to absorb, therefore to dissolve with vinegar and to add the honey, to cover and to make to cook up to consistence to hold some onion. Regular of salt. To serve cold.

As to serve
In a great dish put to the centre the pudding, lean you above of the cipollata, caprino and toasted bread; to the left in low with a stencil systematized the caponata and to put above the false tomato; to the right of the pudding to systematize a glass and versed inside the bloody Mary, therefore to disburse above the foam of celery, to insert a straw and to pepper, to complete the dish with crescioni, capers, leaves, fried medals and thread of oil extra virgin.





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