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Caprese of tomato tomperinos and burratina Caprese of tomato tomperinos and burratina Caprese of tomato tomperinos and burratina Caprese of tomato tomperinos and burratina Caprese of tomato tomperinos and burratina Caprese of tomato tomperinos and burratina Caprese of tomato tomperinos and burratina Caprese of tomato tomperinos and burratina Caprese of tomato tomperinos and burratina Caprese of tomato tomperinos and burratina Caprese of tomato tomperinos and burratina Caprese of tomato tomperinos and burratina Caprese of tomato tomperinos and burratina Caprese of tomato tomperinos and burratina Caprese of tomato tomperinos and burratina

Immagine Ricetta

Giovanni Giliberto

Chef di Torre Marabino
Ispica (RG)



  • 4-5 tomperinos tomatos
  • 200 gr of burratina
  • fresh oregano
  • oil
  • salt
  • pepper

Caprese of tomato tomperinos and burratina



We begin to wash 4-5 tomatoes tomperinos, we do them a slight incision with the knife to facilitate stripping. After performing this, we parboil them for about 30 seconds after which put them into water and ice to maintain the consistency.



We begin to wash 4-5 tomatoes tomperinos, we do them a slight incision with the knife to facilitate stripping. After performing this, we parboil them for about 30 seconds after which put them into water and ice to maintain the consistency.
Now is the time of burratina, we have previously drained, is cut into cubes and seasoned with salt and pepper. We compose the dish: we are standing, gently, the burratina cubes at the center of the dish.
We recline our tomatoes and process uses all with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil, salt, pepper and oregano. A simple dish, fresh and always tasty suitable for every season.





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