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Med Hermes Eurofresh new edition

Publié par MED HERMES S.R.L.

The 2017 marketing strategy of Med Hermes Vegetable Seeds for the development of
European and overseas markets could be summarised in a single phrase – “Premium
Range” – as the projects related to it seek to rediscover the Mediterranean avours and
colours of the past, with an increase in controlled production and a growing supply chain
of some high-quality tomato varieties. “We offer innovative products and services, in line
with the demands of the market, which is becoming more and more competitive and chal-
lenging,” said owner Alfredo Amoroso, who talked about the new premium products. “Our
Melite F1 cherry tomato is having great success in the eld, in the international markets of
Germany and other countries, because of its intense taste, due to its Brix level (minimum
8.5°, even in winter) and its mix of aromatic substances, as well as antioxidants, which give
it a particularly fruity avour.” This is a very innovative variety because it increases the quality
of cherry tomatoes without high production costs, in unheated greenhouses. Amoroso also
presented another innovation – the Baccus F1 cocktail tomato – which is ideal for harvesting
as red clusters. It has an intense red colour, high resistance to splits and a long shelf life (LSL).
“Baccus F1 is the new proposal for real cocktail tomatoes in the European market. Indeed,
it is a great success in the Spanish market,” Amoroso said. The mini san Marzano tomato
Tomperino is another good variety, ideal for red clusters and / or single fruit, with a glossy
red colour. It has a good long shelf life and an intense avour with a fruity after taste. “Tom-
perino is high-yielding compared to other market segment types of small-fruited tomatoes
(e.g. cherry, vesuviano, etc.),” Amoroso said. All these new proposals are in line with Med
Hermes’ project of communication, the blog www.tomatocult.com, which aims to develop
a community of quality tomato producers, distributors and nal consumers who share the
same values and goals and exchange news about the tomato and its multiples benets.